TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: w/o power clutch pedal will be hard.
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Subject Re: w/o power clutch pedal will be hard.
Posted by Drk93TT on March 24, 2022 at 8:00 AM
  This message has been viewed 390 times.
In Reply To w/o power clutch pedal will be hard. posted by JMartz on March 23, 2022 at 07:33 PM
Message Im in the middle of a TT to NA pedal linkage/pedal+clutch master cylinder swap.

Before I got this Z it went through 3 clutches...slaves.. masters.. you name it... even got the book out to adjust the pedal properly in the notes from previous owner/shops.

I almost burned the clutch driving it home as what was going on is the clutch booster reaction disc is likely dislodged / misaligned internally.

When I pulled the master off to inspect I found the rod had been extremely extended (rod that comes out of the clutch booster itself) to the point where fluid was bypassing internally when it was warmed up... so the clutch ONLY WHEN at operating temp would be extremely low on the floor to the point of dragging and burning the clutch up.

That was fun to diagnose and adjust the pedal like 4x and go with OEM slave... master... etc til I dug further and found that.

But yeah currently the booster is bypassed and the pedal is like 30% stiffer if that its not a huge deal on the car... esp w an upgraded clutch, flywheel, beefier fork... etc.

Looking forward to completely getting rid of the booster and having a clutch that operates like it should !

Currently its adjusted and works fine.. once I located the booster rod that was wayyyy too far out (I turned it back in a few turns) it works and is acceptable...but will be nice to be fully deleted !

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